PREVIEW: Ultimate Spider-Man S2 E13: “Journey Of The Iron Fist”

Here’s the preview of our newest Ultimate Spider-Man episode! We’re at the halfway mark for this season, and the voice actress for White Tiger apparently confirmed a third season through Twitter. Something about already recording the voices. I would love to sit in on their recording sessions. 

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Iron Man: Secret Origin

MARVEL have revealed a teaser for Kieron Gillen’s Iron Man series with the heading Secret Origin which just so happens to be coming out around the time of Iron Man 3.

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Feminine X-Men

When Marvel released their teaser for the Wood and Coipel series we had  an idea of what the series would be about but it was still up in the air what it actually was. In an interview with USA Today was where Wood revealed his new book.

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An Uncanny Revolution!

Uncanny X-Men hasn’t even launched yet but that hasn’t stopped Marvel sending out a teaser for April.

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Biology Comics

Brian Wood and Olivier Coipel are teaming up for a new MARVEL NOW series to debut in April.

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Lady Sif is becoming more ravenous in Kathryn Immonen’s Journey Into Mystery rolls into April. 

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Marvel Pregnancy

Chances are we wont be seeing some pregnant woman giving birth to a baby superhero but Birth appears to be the theme for one of the next series to spawn from the Marvel Now initiative.

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