REVIEW: Deadpool Kills The Marvel Universe #4

Written By: Cullen Bunn

Art By: Dalibor Talajic

Price: $2.99

If there’s anything that can be said for this series is that it managed to achieve two big things. Going into it I hated Deadpool because he has long been a character that people just support regardless of whether his books are good (which they’re not) just because he is “not for kids”. However when I read it I thought hey Kyle, you may have to admit you were wrong because this is pretty interesting and in that way me being the person I am, once I like something I have to check out more things similar. Now as it comes to a close with #4 it managed to accomplish bringing me right back to where I started. Deadpool sucks.

I know that any Deadpool fan that reads this (I’ll be surprised if they get this far) will be giving me abuse whether in the comments, on another website or just to themselves but I’m sorry this is a pointless issue.

For all they tried to build up the eventual fight between Taskmaster and Deadpool underwhelming is not the word, “pointless” rears it’s ugly head yet again.

If they had just left it and let it end with him going through the multi-verse it could have been a somewhat satisfying and a cliffhanger. HOWEVER they couldn’t let that happen because they manage to save the worst for last. It’s not funny, it’s not clever it’s stupid and anti-climatic. Deadpool has killed the MARVEL Universe and gone into the multi-verse and this is the best thing that they could think of to end it all? It will probably be heralded for the last page because yet again he’s breaking the fourth wall be that’s all Deadpool needs to be funny apparently.

The worst thing is none of it will carry on into his normal ongoing series. Obviously he wont be the mass killer in the 616 but like I said when talking about #1 and #2 I was disturbed at what he was doing but reading the current series just makes me roll my eyes out of sheer disappointment.

Score: 4.5

5 Responses to “REVIEW: Deadpool Kills The Marvel Universe #4”
  1. Dear Kyle,
    I like your blog, and I’m going to subscribe. Do you take requests on what to review?
    Zarion Kreena

    • Kyle says:

      What did you have in mind?

      • The recent Amazing Spider-Man or Deadpool issues, I suppose. I didn’t actually think, that you would read my comment, so I don’t have anything too specific.

    • Kyle says:

      Well obviously Amazing is the main book so we do make sure there is a review up for each issue. I don’t know if you’ve gone through the archives but they are up. As for Deadpool his recent mini-series is potentially a one-off because neither of the people that review each week read it. However with the addition of more people it could be possible.

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