REVIEW: Captain Marvel #6

Written By: Kelly Sue DeConnick

Art By: Emma Rios

Price: $2.99

If from the get-go you had told me that this arc would deal with time travel and that Carol wouldn’t actually “fight” a super villain I would’ve told you to get gone. However despite no punching of bad guys per say it’s the well developed characters that will define DeConnick’s opening arc.

What is it about Spider-Woman that means that she keeps popping up? In this case I get it she’s Carol’s best friend but as its Tracy Burke’s reaction to her arrival which sums it up best which again links again back to what I said before, the characters are what makes it all so great. Tracy hasn’t been seen in a few issues but her impact on me and her dry sarcastic attitude from before missed.

Previous issues have alluded to how Carol gained her powers and for the people that are still not in the know it shows you exactly how.

For as strange that it was that there isn’t the punching of a bad guy up to this point when there is a fight scene between Cap and Helen it feels out of place. Even the eventual explanation feels empty. In hindsight the question of how she managed to get stuck back in time had never come up, it was now that she’s here, what the hell is going to happen to whilst she is there so like the fight it just ends up feeling empty.

Emma Rios’ art style suits the flight scenes perfectly as she draws the characters thin allowing it all to flow together perfectly. I still maintain that I miss Soy’s take on the characters is still my favourite the choice to have Rios fill in the final issues of the arc is a strange choice to make, especially if it was just because they wanted to be able to ship two issues in the same month and because of Soy’s style that wouldn’t be possible it makes it seem like two separate stories.

Score: 8.0

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