REVIEW: Secret Avengers #34

Written By: Rick Remender Art By: Matteo Scalera Price: $3.99 What happens when Captain Britain and Hawkeye are now able to team up? Great banter between the pair as they try to find a way to escape Earth 666.

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REVIEW: Secret Avengers #33

Written By: Rick Remender Art By: Andy Kuhn Price: $3.99 If you didn’t know already what the Captain Britain Corps do it is that they police the other universes. Sort of like the Green Lantern Corps policing the galaxies. Now, everyone knows that there are different universes where things are the same but slightly different. … Continue reading

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REVIEW: Secret Avengers #32

Written By: Rick Remender Art By: Matteo Scalera Price: $3.99 With Black Widow now becoming under the control of The Abyss the odds are in the favour of Taskmaster and his mystical controlling helmet. Meanwhile Venom has to fight Valkyrie and he’s not doing too good a job at that.

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All-Female Defenders!

One of the major criticisms that Marvel have received over the years, especially when compared to their rivals over at DC is the lack of female lead characters. Yeah sure there are a lot of female characters in the teams but DC has ones like Birds of Prey, Batgirl, Batwoman, Supergirl and Wonder Woman just … Continue reading

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